17 June, 2014

Everybody be cool!

I came across a post from a HR lady about what makes HR so cool. Yes, there are such people with such questions. This isn't made up, this is copy/paste/then-remove-names-because-of-coma-you-know-coma-pity.

One day I have asked myself... What's So Cool About HR? and felt like I needed to reconnect with all my HR mates to see all kind of different perspectives.
So here you have:
HR #1: We are cool and we are making HR cool! :)
HR #2: Applying NLP just for fun. And ruining your first dates forever.
HR #3: HR people are cool! HR professionals understand people, pick the right ones, encourage them and get the best out of them, create an excellent work environment, manage benefits and help people become better performers and meet the business goals. HR is the driver of a company's competitive advantage!
HR #4: :) I love my job !!!
HR #5: The chance to be well known by almost all employees of the company! Free self-branding! :))
HR #6: Power! small gods who play with the lives of others! :)) True or not?
HR #7: HR is about finding the missing link in the in the whole puzzle.
HR #8: The role that HR has is cool - challenges, projects, people (some of them).

And these are only a few of my colleagues:D

Everything nice and shiny, right? Typos aside, of course, but you know HR are lenient on those when they spot them in CVs.

Well, this is what I gathered from the blurbs:
  • HR #1. Overconfidence outshines logic and common sense. HR people are cool (they just are, no justification required), hence HR is cool. A is "x", so B is also "x" because A does B. Based on this, charming murderers commit lovely crimes.
  • HR #2. Psychopaths agree. Some sex offenders agree, too.
  • HR #3. Almost convincing. To the weak minds, bullshit bingo always is.
  • HR #4. Brevity is the soul of the wit. True, but not applicable here. Here it's just concise drivel. "I love ice-cream" would be equally relevant. And ice-cream is fun enough you don't even need to begin with a smiley face (did you check? It is there, yes).
  • HR #5. Illusion of grandeur. The catering guy who delivers lunch warm and on time is well known by all the employees. The receptionist is well know by all the employees, as well. And so is the flasher at the company meeting (this also ticks the self-branding box, rather efficiently).
  • HR #6. Megalomania. Walking hand-in-hand with insecurity.
  • HR #7. Cluelessness about their own work. If you're looking for something in a puzzle, it should be a piece, rather than a link. And if it is already in the puzzle, it's not missing; it's hidden. If it were missing, you wouldn't look for it in the puzzle, you'd look for it in the box. Or under the table. And if you have a cat, then good luck ever finding it.
  • HR #8. Cluelessness about everybody else's work. There are other departments whose work involve challenges, projects and people. Quite a few, actually. And most of the times, these don't even guarantee a cool role. On the contrary: easy tasks, free time and no other people messing about are better candidates for making your job cool.
Unfortunately, these are only a few of the HR colleagues. There are more. Also unfortunately, the cool and competent ones did not answer. Mainly because they don't need to answer this sort of question to silence low self-esteem and insecurity.

I do apologize for the back-and-forth scrolling between bullets and italics.


Anonymous said...

I wonder how an interview for a position in the HR department looks like. Mmmmm... Möbius strip?

Anonymous said...

-So, what can you do?
-Sorry, you're too ugly for Marketing and not evil enough for Management. Would you be interested in a position in HR, maybe?

-h said...

I got an email notification about a third comment, but it doesn't show up here, for some reason.
The comment, unedited (except for the quotation marks, those are mine):
"And yes, I consider HR a robbery.
And yes, I think the HR are dentists wanna be neurosurgeons, or a web designer wanna be kernel developer."

I do not delete comments.