19 July, 2015

There's nothing quite as bright as the future.

Here's an interesting trend.
Robotic children are doing fine for about 6 to 8 years, but 20 minutes into the movie and they go hectic. This usually happens around the time when daddy's research loses funding. And mommy decides it's time for a midlife crisis and starts questioning love for the robotic child and her life in general. At the same time, daddy discovers the mysterious owner of the lab where he's building robotic children is also working on something that threatens to destroy the entire humanity and render it slave to either the robots or some obscure evil spirit that never gets mentioned in the movie after this. This helps daddy regain his focus and also clears mommy's doubts. The robotic child sacrifices his life to save humankind and mommy and daddy are left a bit sad but somehow optimistic about the future of mankind. Happy end, humanity is saved, bright future ahead.
This is a bit ironic for a couple of reasons: firstly, the robot doesn't really have a life to lose: a solid recharge and maybe a reboot and they're as good as new. And whatever they lose in the confrontation with the unknown evil mastermind (well, it's the guy that funds the lab) can be easily ordered from aliExpress. The only risk is lengthy delivery times; by the time they've been delivered some components would have caught rust already. Secondly, daddy and mommy still cannot have children.
This summary is relatively consistent with almost all the sci-fi movies and TV series I've watched in the past few years. A fortunate exception from this pattern is a short series about two magicians, but there's no robotic child in there at all. And pretty much everybody is going through some crisis, not only the leading female character. The only thing in common is the ridiculous socks the evil character is wearing.
For such a smart guy able to build humanoid robots, daddy miserably fails to realize he could follow a better path. Instead of going through this ordeal he could father the stunning secretary that has an obvious secret crush on him during her 3 or 4 cameos. Although potentially diluted a bit by potential-mommy's genes, his genius could still carry on. And current-mommy's outbursts would be perfect catalyst for this to happen. They would also render her as a much more desirable shield against and sacrifice for the turned-evil entrepreneur. Alas, it doesn't happen, because in this case it wouldn't be sci-fi, it would only be sci-.

While I’m still spending some amounts of time evaluating which superpower I’d like to have and how I’d use it towards financial freedom and ultimate comfort, I’m also trying to be a bit more realistic towards achieving that. And having a robotic child is one of these more realistic alternatives. Which means that on top of not killing a spider in the bathroom in the hope that it would come to the bedroom at night and bite me while I’m sleeping or not walking away from tall trees while it's raining because there's a better chance to be hit by lightning there, I'm also paying more attention to children behaving strangely on the street. To be honest, this hasn't worked out very well, all I've got so far is a couple of mildly itchy bites that hurt when you're scratching and a rather severe cold from soaking 20 minutes outside during a cold rain in late autumn. And panicked or hostile glances from annoyed grandmothers.

The future may be bright, but the present is disappointingly mundane and dull. Never give up on your dreams... Huh!

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