06 March, 2015

The absence saga (Part VI)

Dear (well...) sender,
I'm on vacation, restoring the order in the unbalanced universe of work/life (with a strong focus on the latter). It's been a rather hectic universe lately, with life ignored in the back-seat and ultimately forgotten in the trunk. In the meantime, work has been taking over the wheel, driving on all available lanes in a way supposed to make my metaphor even more interesting. Due to lack of inspiration for interesting words when I thought of this, though, I'm aborting the analogy now. To sum things up: I'll be back in about 5 weeks, which may seem a like a long time now but if you're getting this a few days before I return it will not.

Based on the content of your email and my inbox, I will not reply immediately after my return; I'm expecting a lot of emails, or will find another credible excuse in case I forget to. If it cannot wait, you may send me an SMS, but please use this as last resort. And very, very sparingly. Also remember that good things come to those who wait. Once I waited for 4 months before I was able to go swimming, and when I finally got to do it it wasn't so exciting and I got out of the pool immediately (it was already late autumn and rather cold, which may have contributed somehow but doesn't rule out the other reasons). Similarly, if you think your email is no longer relevant by the time I come back you may recall the original message. Apologies are not required, I am a very understanding and kind person.

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