23 March, 2015

Little rabbits

I rarely share personal experiences here. And I won't share one today, either. This is a story happening in the woods. It is about a little rabbit.

There was a little rabbit living in the woods. There are probably more than one, but the story is about a particular one, with short ears and white fur with grey spots. As inspiration hit a minor roadblock at this point, a wicked fox found quickly found out and now the little rabbit is no longer living there. Or anywhere.
Maybe it is time for a personal story.

There are things that can change your life in the course of a second. It's a strange feeling, one you'll never forget. Well, never assuming you live forever. And you manage to avoid Alzheimer or amnesia. Or your life is, indeed, so dull that this is so memorable for such a long time that it seems like forever -although strictly speaking it's not forever.

We met one evening, at some dancing gathering. It was quite late in the winter, it was cold and snowing outside but cozy inside. And it got even warmer and nicer when our eyes met across the room. There was something familiar in that look... And suddenly I remembered when we had met for the first time.
It happened somewhere in the mountains, two years before that dancing evening. There was no snow then, it was autumn and still warm and everything was green. I was walking on a secluded path enjoying the absence of other people when I noticed this cute little rabbit in a clearing. Usually they're shy and vanish quickly at the sight of people. But this time it stayed. It was curious and confused, and kept looking at me. It was in the middle of this precious moment when we first met. It was all sudden and quick, and it ended as quickly as it started. But it's an experience I'll never forget (see explanation above).

I thought I'd never see that fox again (I was talking about a fox, what were you thinking?). Especially at a dancing gathering during winter, among so many people. Foxes don't enjoy the company of people and during winter they fly south or somewhere warm (or drive, depending on their budget).

Sometimes I see that little rabbit in my dreams. It stays there and keeps looking at me. There is no blame in his eyes, it's only curiosity and confusion. If I tell people about the dream they say this is guilt for the death of an innocent being. But this little rabbit in my dreams is different; it's black with brown spots and has a white ear. And its ears are slightly longer. And people who claim they can interpret dreams are frauds, I never trusted them. After they give me their opinion I tell them in the dream the fox is chasing me, not the rabbit. And the little rabbit just stays there, watching us. Eating a proverbial carrot and recording everything with a Hero GoPro4 Black Edition. It's charming how it's struggling to handle the controls with its little paws. And it's surprising what I'm paying attention to while being chased by a fox. I don't trust foxes; they're worse than people who say they can interpret dreams. And one tried to sell me fake currency when I was visiting a foreign country.
Most of the time, though, I have dreams about being in school. I am never prepared for whatever homework I'm supposed to present and worry I would fail and have to study for the summer. Then I wake up relieved when I remember school has been out for many years. An ugly dream is a good way to start a beautiful day.

I guess it was a personal story after all. Or maybe it wasn't. Except for the part about the dragon allergic to unicorns and sandalwood. That was true.
Listening to Clint Mansell music when I'm making up true stories is complicated.

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